Thursday, January 11, 2018

Collaborative Divorce – A Better Way To End Your Marriage

collaborative divorce

A divorce does not have to be as devastating as most people expect. Since divorce is already strenuous for the two of you and your children, it is only fair to try and make it amicable. You can minimize any unpleasantness and stay in control by agreeing to a collaborative divorce. This is a process that can only occur when there is mutual agreement between you and your spouse.

Every state in America has its own laws that govern the various court proceedings in family law. North Carolina recognizes collaborative divorce, and the following post gives a general description of how it is done:

Collaborative Law

Traditional divorce litigation can be costly and adversarial. Collaborative divorce is an alternative that presents creative solutions to serve the interests of both divorcing parties, often focusing on the best interests of the children.

Collaborative Divorce In North Carolina

A relatively new approach to divorce in North Carolina, collaborative law provides an innovative, cooperative, respectful environment in which couples can customize their own settlement resolution. The process involves the divorcing spouses and their collaborative law attorneys working together to reach a settlement, and it often draws on the expertise of neutral divorce coaches, child specialists and financial experts. Read more at Close Family Law…

Prioritizing the needs of your children will help you make sober decisions as opposed to focusing on settling the issues that exist between you and your spouse.

collaborative divorce

If you are wondering what to expect during a collaborative divorce procedure, the following post highlights the key characteristics or features of the process:

Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Law Proceedings provide a structured way to make the parenting and financial decisions that must be made when a marriage ends. The goal of the proceedings is a legally binding separation agreement or court order by consent that incorporates these decisions.

Divorce without Going to Court

Collaborative Law is designed to create a legally-binding divorce agreement outside the courtroom. North Carolina state law requires that both parties participating in a Collaborative Divorce agree not to go to court, and both attorneys agree to withdraw from representation should either divorcing spouse decide to sue the other. Read more at Springfield Collaborative Divorce…

Collaborative divorce does not attempt to bring reconciliation between you and your spouse. Rather, it helps you to come up with solutions that suit your specific circumstances.

collaborative divorce

There are several benefits that you can enjoy from a properly conducted collaborative divorce. The following post highlights them for you:

When collaboration succeeds, the following benefits can be enjoyed:

  • Collaborative divorce generally concludes in much less time compared to a contested divorce.
  • Total legal fees and court costs are greatly reduced in a collaborative divorce, as costs increase tremendously when the divorce is contested and requires frequent court hearings and trials.
  • Spouses using collaborative divorce often report reduced stress, anxiety, and anger throughout the process – divorce is always going to be stressful to some degree.

Collaborative divorce also allows the client to have more control over the process, as it removes the ultimate authority of a family law court judge. Read more at Collins Family Law…

collaborative divorce

Meek Law Firm has experience in the area of collaborative divorce law that will make the process go as smoothly as possible. Contact attorney Jonathan Meek to discuss your needs. Call (704) 848-6335 or use the contact form on our website to schedule a consultation appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.

Keep reading about Collaborative Divorce – A Better Way To End Your Marriage at Meek Law Firm

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